The Big Lebowski Watercolor Persian Rug

from $59.99

Available in 2 sizes - 24x36 inches and 48x72 inches, Watercolors by Joshy's "The Big Lebowski" watercolor area rug really ties the room together!

A beautiful classic rug design you can display all year long, with the same pattern as the rug in “The Big Lebowski,” but painted in utmost detail with watercolor pencils & paints!
Pull out your white russian, and get zen on your new dude rug today.

This area rug features hemmed edges and a coated backing, ready to tie any room together!

Dude Approved.

.: 100% Polyester Chenille .: Multiple sizes .: Hemmed edges .: Grey underside .: Note: Pre-constructed item. Size variance: 24" × 36" +/- 2"; & 48" × 72" +/- 3.5";

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